HOPE Re-Entry Program

The CAF's
Re-Entry/hope program
Re-entry is the process by which individuals who have been released from incarceration return to the community. The CAF HOPE team works with individuals during incarceration and post release from the Adult Detention Center to help them with their re-entry and recovery.
The CAF helps individuals who have Substance Use Disorder and are looking for recovery solutions and/or Peer support or Harm Reduction Services.
re-entry direct resources
1:1 Peer Recovery Support with Certified Peer Recovery Specialists
Linkage & Referrals to community resources
Recovery Housing Grants - Funds typically cover move-in fees and 2-3 weeks of rent at an Oxford House or supportive Recovery House of their choice.
Documentation Assistance
Birth certificates, IDs, social security cards
Recovery Literature
NA basic Text, AA Big Book, AA and NA workbooks, mental health workbooks
Transportation Assistance
Can transport upon release, for court/probation, for suboxone appts, etc
Peer Support
Linkage & resources to community partners
Jon Fairbanks, CPRS, Program Manager
jon@thecaf.org - 571-758-3552
Susie Burklew, CPRS
susie@thecaf.org - 703-843-7447
Nabil Tarey, CPRS